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by CjGuitarist82
Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:12 pm
Forum: Racks, Switching Systems and MIDI
Topic: Mesa Dual Rectifier + GCP + GCX + GMajor = ?
Replies: 6
Views: 6062

Re: Mesa Dual Rectifier + GCP + GCX + GMajor = ?

I read that somewhere else. It was in relation to switching through the Gmajor (as in, withOut a GCX). So that "trick" will work with no added risk to my head?
by CjGuitarist82
Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:01 am
Forum: Racks, Switching Systems and MIDI
Topic: Mesa Dual Rectifier + GCP + GCX + GMajor = ?
Replies: 6
Views: 6062

Re: Mesa Dual Rectifier + GCP + GCX + GMajor = ?

Just found this handy worksheet which Really simplifies / solidifies how I thought I'd need to set my loops up (that's exactly how I'd pictured it). I'm still not positive on what type of cable should go from the GCX to m...
by CjGuitarist82
Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:51 am
Forum: Racks, Switching Systems and MIDI
Topic: Mesa Dual Rectifier + GCP + GCX + GMajor = ?
Replies: 6
Views: 6062

Mesa Dual Rectifier + GCP + GCX + GMajor = ?

I have a Mesa Dual Rec. and have just been given a Ground Control Pro, GCX & GMajor 2. I want it set up so I can use the GCP to store individual "effects" that will control my amp channel + GMajor effect + GCX loop with Real pedals. Example: 1: Channel 1 on Mesa, couple of effects pedals, delay/reve...