Here is my Rig

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Here is my Rig

Post by scottburrow »

Here are a few photos of my current rig. My first GCX is overdrives and an envelop filter. GCX 2 is all Modulation effects Delays, Pitch factor, Mod factor, Time factor, Choral flange, Tech 21 R.V.B reverb pedal. What I have also done is use a Line mixer to have my effects be in Parallel. I use the send from the mixer to my Mesa Boogie Stiletto, and I also use A POD X3 in the back of the unit (set on a Dual amp Fender sound) going into the mixer, so the main output of the mixer goes to the Crate Amp. I guess it's a cheap mans W/D setup. It sounds great. The mixer is setup as channel 1 is Overdriven signal Dry, channel 2 is my Delays in a loop a Carbon copy and Boss DD5, channel 3 is my Pitch Factor, channel 4 is my Mod Factor, channel 5 Time factor, channel 6 is Choral flange, channel 7 is my Tech 21 R.V.B reverb pedal, and channel 8 is my POD X3. When I send a signal to my Stiletto I can send whatever channel I want to it, mainly the dry overdriven signal from channel 1 and channel 7 for some reverb.


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