VERTEX - Alternative Country Pedalboard w/Vertex Flightcase

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VERTEX - Alternative Country Pedalboard w/Vertex Flightcase

Post by Desperado »

Here is a pedalboard I did for an alternative country player located in the Bay Area.

The client wanted a simple pedalboard with all of his staple effects running in front of his Mesa Lone Star Special (primarily set clean). The goal was to keep things as light and small as possible.

We used light-weight composite material for the pedalboard with a standard laminated top and ABS bottom. We also used the same composite material for the flightcase with an ABS exterior, locking butterfly latches, 1 1/2" ELE foam, and a recessed handle. The pedalboard is playable inside of the case - it stands only 2" off the ground from the bottom of the case to the flat surface of the pedalboard.

The interfacing/buffering is a standard Vertex Dual Buffer with a guitar input and output to the amplifier.

Everything sounded great on this board, it was very simple and has some very organic tones. I'm a big fan of the Sparkle Drive as a TS type pedal, and it really stacks well with the Boiling Point for higher gain sounds. I also love the A/DA Flagner. A very versatile and musical Flanger (and David at A/DA is a genius). Lastly, the Hartman Compressor is a great interpretation of the Orange Squeezer, it's amazing with single coil pickups!

The signal path is:

INTERFACE (buffer), Voodoo Lab Micro Vibe, Dunlop/CAE Wah, Boss Phaser, Hartman Compressor, Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive, RockBox Boiling Point, Ernie Ball VPJR (Boss TU-12 in tuner out), Vintage A/DA Flanger, Voodoo Lab Analog Chorus, Boss DD-20 Delay, Voodoo Lab Tremolo, INTERFACE (buffer)

Power Supply: Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2+




Custom Pedalboard Design

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