Nice Rack Canada | Chameleon Project | 2015 | Josh Laing
Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:48 am
Nice Rack Canada has been working with Toronto based independent recording artists, Chameleon Project for 3 years now.
We're honoured to build pedalboard systems for a very talented group of players who push musical boundaries every time they play together.
Do yourself a solid and check their new album "Funk n Space" at ... nk-n-space
The latest pedalboard system our shop has put together for the space funkateers is a Series Wired Double Board System for Guitarist Josh Laing.
Josh's criteria for this system aside for great tone & unique signal order was to include splitting the palette of pedals into 2 separate boards for his "Traditional" & "Synth" guitar sounds. We included patching & switching functionality that allows either board to be used as a "stand alone" pedalboard if desired.
The signal flow travels between the 2 boards, Traditional or "Main" & "Synth" on the following path;
Guitar --> Main Board Input 1 --> Oxygen Compressor --> Nice Rack Canada Input Buffer with Tuner Split to TC Electronic PolyTune2 Mini --> Nice Rack Canada Clean Boost --> Main Board Output 1 --> Synth Board Input 1 --> Mu-FX Octave Divider --> Synth Board Output 1 --> Main Board Input 2 --> Dunlop 535Q Wah --> Mu-FX TruTron 3X --> Main Board Output 2 --> Synth Board Input 2 --> DigiTech Synth Wah --> Line 6 FM4 --> Synth Board Output 2 --> Main Board Input 3 --> Eventide H9 --> Nice Rack Canada 10kΩ Buffer --> Subdecay Studios Inc. Liquid Sunshine OD --> FuzzHugger Effects Phantom Arcade Fuzz --> Strymon TimeLine Delay --> Main Board Output 3 --> Synth Board Input 3 --> DigiTech DigiVerb --> Boomerang III Phrase Sampler --> Synth Board Output 3 --> Main Board Input 4 --> Mute Switch --> Amp Input
Both boards are respectively powered by the standard setting Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 4x4 & Digital.
System Design & Fabrication + 12VAC supplies for the Mu-FX TruTron 3X & Octave Divider built by Nice Rack Canada.
Nice Rack Canada
Tonesmithing Services | Pedalboard & Rack Systems for Guitar, Bass & Keys | Engineered Solutions for Musicians.
We're honoured to build pedalboard systems for a very talented group of players who push musical boundaries every time they play together.
Do yourself a solid and check their new album "Funk n Space" at ... nk-n-space
The latest pedalboard system our shop has put together for the space funkateers is a Series Wired Double Board System for Guitarist Josh Laing.
Josh's criteria for this system aside for great tone & unique signal order was to include splitting the palette of pedals into 2 separate boards for his "Traditional" & "Synth" guitar sounds. We included patching & switching functionality that allows either board to be used as a "stand alone" pedalboard if desired.
The signal flow travels between the 2 boards, Traditional or "Main" & "Synth" on the following path;
Guitar --> Main Board Input 1 --> Oxygen Compressor --> Nice Rack Canada Input Buffer with Tuner Split to TC Electronic PolyTune2 Mini --> Nice Rack Canada Clean Boost --> Main Board Output 1 --> Synth Board Input 1 --> Mu-FX Octave Divider --> Synth Board Output 1 --> Main Board Input 2 --> Dunlop 535Q Wah --> Mu-FX TruTron 3X --> Main Board Output 2 --> Synth Board Input 2 --> DigiTech Synth Wah --> Line 6 FM4 --> Synth Board Output 2 --> Main Board Input 3 --> Eventide H9 --> Nice Rack Canada 10kΩ Buffer --> Subdecay Studios Inc. Liquid Sunshine OD --> FuzzHugger Effects Phantom Arcade Fuzz --> Strymon TimeLine Delay --> Main Board Output 3 --> Synth Board Input 3 --> DigiTech DigiVerb --> Boomerang III Phrase Sampler --> Synth Board Output 3 --> Main Board Input 4 --> Mute Switch --> Amp Input
Both boards are respectively powered by the standard setting Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 4x4 & Digital.
System Design & Fabrication + 12VAC supplies for the Mu-FX TruTron 3X & Octave Divider built by Nice Rack Canada.
Nice Rack Canada
Tonesmithing Services | Pedalboard & Rack Systems for Guitar, Bass & Keys | Engineered Solutions for Musicians.