Which pedal power unit would work for this lineup?

General discussion and tech talk about the industry standard Pedal Power line of power supplies.
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Which pedal power unit would work for this lineup?

Post by tjmicsak »

Here are the pedal requirements for the board:

1. 9vdc neg center 400mA
2. 9vdc neg center 300mA
3. 18vdc neg center 103mA
4. 12vdc neg center 350mA

5. 120VAC 500mA
6. 18VAC 600mA

What I need is a unit that has:
    the courtesy 120V for items 5 and possibly 6
      ability to use voltage doublers for the 18vdc
        12vdc and that current available
          18VAC 600mA also available as a better option for item 6 so one unit would provide everything

          Posts: 684
          Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:31 am

          Re: Which pedal power unit would work for this lineup?

          Post by Rez »

          If you really want the AC courtesy outlet, you could go with Pedal Power Mondo.

          Otherwise Pedal Power 4 x 4 and a cable like one of these, would work too:
          www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/PWD402- ... ower-cable

          www.infinitecables.com/power-cables/spl ... ower-cords

          Ben Resnick
          Voodoo Lab - Tech Support

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