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Kemper Stage Profiler (the new floor model) POWER MONDO?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 6:32 am
by GuitarWildman
How do you suggest I power my new Kemper Stage Profiler (the new floor model)?
I already have a nice pedal board that fits the Kemper Stage and a few expression pedals with a VooDoo Lab MONDO mounted...
Has anybody tried this?.. I'm not sure of the specific power requirements and/or which cable to use...

Thanks for any info at all..

PS - I also have a few pedal boards with PP2 and Digital, etc..

Re: Kemper Stage Profiler (the new floor model) POWER MONDO?

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 4:32 pm
by Rez
The Kemper Stage Profiler uses main/wall power (it has an IEC type power cord). If you wish to power it from your Pedal Power Mondo... you can simply plug it into the (rear panel) AC courtesy outlet.
