Mondo pedal power and strymon

General discussion and tech talk about the industry standard Pedal Power line of power supplies.
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Mondo pedal power and strymon

Post by Lostatlast »

Hello everyone!
I've had a Mondo pedal power supply for a few years now with no issues. Recently I added a Strymon Big Sky and Timeline to my board, utilizing the 9v 400mA outlets on the power brick (in their own isolated outlets). When I power up the pedals have power but will shortly there after turn off and intermittently come back on. I was trying to figure out if this is an issue with the Mondo or a problem with the pedals. Thank you for your time, I hope someone may have a solution.

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Re: Mondo pedal power and strymon

Post by Rez »

These pedals should power fine from one of the 9V 400mA Pedal Power Mondo output with one of the all black (standard polarity) cables supplied.

If this is not the case... please, call or send us an email ( ) we are glad to arrange for its inspection and repair.

Ben Resnick
Voodoo Lab - Tech Support

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