Pedal power 3 x link

General discussion and tech talk about the industry standard Pedal Power line of power supplies.
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Pedal power 3 x link

Post by dccasey »

I want to combine the two x link outputs on my pedal power 3 to get the 1A combined output for an x4 or x8 that I'm going to buy. What cables do I need to do this. I saw two different current doublers on the website. Which one would be the correct one or is a current doubler the correct cable anyway? Also, do the x link outputs use the same cables as the pedals do or is the required cable different. I'm also wondering what cables are included in the x4 expansion kit.

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Re: Pedal power 3 x link

Post by Rez »

The X-link outputs are not isolated and should not be connected/combined as such.

Also it is not necessary, as the full capacity is available simply using either one of the X-link outputs individually.

And, any of the all-black standard polarity 2.1mm cables can be used to power an X4 or X8, etc.

Ben Resnick
Voodoo Lab - Tech Support

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