Darkglass A.D.A.M and Power

General discussion and tech talk about the industry standard Pedal Power line of power supplies.
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Darkglass A.D.A.M and Power

Post by JimboSlice »


I have the voodoo lab 2 plus. The ADAM pedal says it require 500ma. I bought a HX Current Doubler Cable and was wondering if all I have to do is plug it into position 5 and 6 to get the required power? Do I need to move the switches to 5 and 6 from normal? Also, can I use one 250ma and one regular one to run the pedal?

I've tried 5 & 6 connected and the pedal works. I've tried 5 & 4 and the pedal works. I'm confused. What do you recommend I do to connect this pedal? I also have a digitech drop tuner that uses one of the 250ma options.

Need help!! :)



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Re: Darkglass A.D.A.M and Power

Post by Rez »

It might be that the actual current draw of the A.D.A.M is less than the specified 500mA (a suspiciously round number) and that 350mA is in fact sufficient.

If the A.D.A.M seems to work fine using outputs 4&5 as you suggest AND as long as the power supply is not getting hot to the touch (warm is fine), then it should be fine to continue powering them as such (A.D.A.M. in 4&5 and Drop in 6).

Otherwise, you could power one of them from the AC courtesy outlet (with its adapter/wall-wart). Or, perhaps upgrade to a supply with more high current capacity (like Pedal Power 3 or Pedal Power 4 x 4).

Hope this helps!
Ben Resnick
Voodoo Lab - Tech Support

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