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Pedal Power 2+ and 2 Eventide H9s

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:07 am
by Zoso4563
Just wanted to see if this is possible. I know you can power one h9 w/ a current double in spots 5 & 6. My rig is essentially going to be 2 h9s plus another 3 or 4 pedals potentially.


Re: Pedal Power 2+ and 2 Eventide H9s

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 4:32 pm
by Rez
Yes, possible.

To power the 1st H9 use a Current Doubler Adapter, part# PPAP in outputs 4 and 5, DIP switches set normal (9VDC) with a 2.1mm/2.5mm Reverse Polarity Barrel Cable, part# PPL6, PPL6-R

And similarly, to power the 2nd H9 use a Current Doubler Adapter, part# PPAP in outputs 6 and 7, DIP switches set normal (9VDC) with a 2.1mm/2.5mm Reverse Polarity Barrel Cable, part# PPL6, PPL6-R

Hope this helps!