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Please help with my pedal board setup

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 1:19 am
by groovington
I have recently acquired various effects on Ebay to get ready for my Phish cover band and upon plugging all of them in together in my chain for the first time I was very disappointed with all the hum and extra noise. I did locate a couple bad cables and upon removing them, it got a lot better, but I am going out this week and buying a couple more instrument and patch cables as well as the PP2+. Now, I'm not very tech/electronic savvy and don't totally get all the jargon, so can I get a little help with my effects chain?

Here's exactly what I'm running:
Fender Clapton Strat (w/ Noisless pickups) > Digitech Whammy II > Real McCoy 6 (wah) > Keeley TS-9 > Keeley TS-9 > Keeley Compressor > Egnator Rebel 20 - Effects loop send > Fulltone Supa Trem > Fulltone Deja Vibe 2 (the big one w/ 3 prong plug) > Ibanez Modulation Delay III > Hughes & Ketner Rotosphere > Boomerang+ > Effects loop return.

So I know the ts-9s, Keeley Comp, Ibanez MDIII for sure can be plugged in w/ barrel connectors at normal setting. I believe I can do the same with the Fulltone Supa Trem and the RMC 6 right? As far as the remaining pedals, can any of them be plugged in with the barrel connectors? If not, can I run them into a power strip and then into the courtesy outlet? Or will that all overload it? Also, do I stand to gain anything by combining (w/ cable ties) the adaptor wires of units that are close enough together and being plugged into the same power strip?


Re: Please help with my pedal board setup

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 11:04 am
by JohnClark
The RMC 6, the two TS-9s, the Keeley Compressor, the Supa-Trem, and the DML-20 can all be powered from any of the outputs on the Pedal Power 2+ with the DIP switches set to Normal.
The Whammy, the Deja-Vibe, the Rotosphere, and the Boomerang+ will all have to be powered using their supplied adapters (or power cord). It would not be a problem to power these pedals from a small power strip connected to the Courtesy Outlet.
Tying the cables really just keeps them neat and tidy, there would not really be any direct tonal benefit to tying the cables together. I hope that helps!

Re: Please help with my pedal board setup

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 11:18 am
by groovington
Yes, that helps. I've also noticed that the Versa has not been released yet. Will that power any of those other remaining pedals? If it can power some of them, am I better off waiting? Or is this basically "6 of one, half dozen of the other?"

Re: Please help with my pedal board setup

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 10:07 am
by JohnClark
The Versa would be able to directly power two of the "wall wort" pedals, with the Deja-Vibe2 and one other pedal powered via the Courtesy Outlet. It is the wait for Versa that I can provide no guidance on as there is not an official release date set at this time. :oops: