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Newbie PP2+ question

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 3:57 am
by BoogieMan

I'm kind of lost on the polarity things with pedals. Does anyone have a link that explains the "center negative/positive" thing and "positive tip".

So more specifically, I have this Mr Springgy reverb pedal that I want to power up. It has the following info:

"The pedal operates on a single 9 volt battery; the power supply jack (2.1 mm) on the side of the pedal can be from 9 – 12 vdc at 100 ma or up. The tip is negative "

So in this case I wonder what negative tip means?

Re: Newbie PP2+ question

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:48 am
by JohnClark
When talking about a barrel connector the usual designation would be "Center Negative" or "Center Positive". Some do use the terms "Center" and "Tip" interchangeably. In this case I believe that it is in fact a Center Negative barrel connector. "Tip" is usually reserved for connectors where the end is exposed like on a 1/4" guitar cable or an 1/8" Mini plug.