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Can the PP2+ power Effectrode's Blackbird preamp?

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:23 pm
by jscomposer
They say it needs 1200mA 12VDC. Can I use the aux AC outlet to power it somehow? Looks like it comes with a wall wart, which won't fit in the cutout on my Pedaltrain. :?

Re: Can the PP2+ power Effectrode's Blackbird preamp?

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:35 pm
by JohnClark
This would have to be powered using the supplied power adapter. If you need the reach through a Pedatrain, then one of the grey 3 to 2 prong adapters usually does the trick to extend the outlet through the bars on the back of the pedalboard.

Good Luck!