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Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:40 am
by kdm1218
Currently have a PP2+ plus a couple wall warts, looking at possible upgrade to Mondo. My current pedals include:
A/B/Y switch
Boss tuner
Keeley Compressor
Mad Prof Sweet Honey OD
Throne Room Hurricane OD
Boss chorus
Throne Room buffer- all to this point are Boss style 9v center negatives (7 total, one on a wall wart currently)
EHX Micro Pog (about to get for Christmas, not sure yet where it would go on a Mondo)
Eventide Timefactor (currently using the courtesy AC on my PP2+ for this one)
Strymon Blue Sky (currently occupies one of the appropriate outlets on the PP2+)

I also use Radial SGI, on its included 15v wall wart.

Could I run all these pedals above on a Mondo, and use its courtesy AC for the Radial SGI? Trying to simplify and get rid of these two extra lines from wall warts on my set up. Thanks!

Re: Mondo

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 4:42 pm
by ClassicYotas

Re: Mondo

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:38 am
by kdm1218
Main question is the SGI on the courtesy... I think the rest I could run through the appropriate iso outlets after studying the Mondo manual... but have an opportunity to get a mint condition used one for a pretty decent discount and want to be sure before I pull the trigger on it.

SGI has a +15VDC/400mA adapter included, that's what I would be looking to have its own plug instead of having to run an additional wall wart.

Re: Mondo

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:19 pm
by JohnClark
The Radial SGI will still use its included power supply and yes, you can connect this to the Courtesy Outlet on the back of the Mondo.

The rest of the pedals listed can all be powered from front panel outputs on the Mondo.
The MicroPOG, and BlueSky can each be powered from output 5 or 6 on the right with the corresponding DIP switch set to Normal, or from any of the High Current 9V outputs on the left.
The TimeFactor can be powered from any of the High Current 9V or 12V outputs on the Left.

I hope that helps!

Re: Mondo

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:04 pm
by kdm1218
Thanks John!