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PPS/TC-Helicon Voicetone

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 5:21 am
by sonhawk
Hi again,
Has anyone out there used any of the TC-Helicon Voicetone pedals powered by a PP2. The TC- Helicon I have is 12v DC 300mA. I don't have a PP2 yet and just want to make sure it will power all my pedals before I make the investment.


Son Hawk

Re: PPS/TC-Helicon Voicetone

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 4:23 pm
by Paul A
Hi there

The power requirements of your TC-Helicon Voicetone pedal seems to be identical to that of a Nova Delay pedal. Check out the thread on this subject. Seems the answer is yes on outputs 5 or 6 with the correct Switch setting on the base. Note that it is a PP2 plus unit that this info relates to, there is an older PP2 model which would not be the same.

Paul A