Adding PX-8 to Medium Dingbat

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Adding PX-8 to Medium Dingbat

Post by ShaneG »

I have a medium Dingbat board with the 4x4 power supply. Can I attach the PX-8 switching system to my existing medium Dingbat board? I see that the width is the same as the Dingbat PX-8 and it looks like it is attached with a bracket. Thanks in advance and I apologize if this has been asked before.

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Re: Adding PX-8 to Medium Dingbat

Post by JohnClark »

The Dingbat PX is made to have the PX-8 or PX-8+ mounted underneath the front edge of the pedalboard.
The Dingbat Medium is the same size but with its closed in front edge, a PX-8 or PX-8+ would mount on top like any of the pedals.

I hope that helps!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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