Dimensions of the Commander

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Dimensions of the Commander

Post by syberjgd »

I am trying to prep my pedal boards for the new PX8 and an additional PX4. I have the dimensions for both of those and am wanting to add a Commander as well. What are the dimensions of the Commander so I can plan correctly before I order.


Josh Fiden
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Re: Dimensions of the Commander

Post by Josh Fiden »

The Commander is 18.5" (470mm) wide x 3.0" (76mm) deep.

My preference is to not mount the Commander on the board. Then you can take it without the Commander and still access everything "stompbox style" without presets but with the benefits of true bypass from the Pedal Switcher. The board is 3" smaller and a little lighter. If you bring the Commander, you can put it in front, or any other position that is convenient. You can also control the board from a Ground Control Pro if you happen to be running a more elaborate MIDI rig. I like the flexibility of doing it this way.

Josh Fiden
Founder / CEO

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