It's been a busy set of a few days, but the other night I finally had a chance to test the connection between the Pedal Power 4X4 and my old DR-1000. Here's what happened...
1) I trusted the information I received from the manufacturer and plugged the DR-1000 into one of the 12 V 400 mA outputs on the PP 4X4 (Should be more than enough for a 200 mA current draw. It did not power up.
2) So, I figured well hey, I have an extra current doubling adapter cable. Surely doubling the current from both 12V high current outputs on the PP 4X4 will do the job. The supplied adapter only puts out 1 A and the unit couldn't possibly use that much. To my astonishment the DR-1000 STILL remained lifeless.
3) Now I am just using the courtesy outlet on the back of my Pedal Power 2+. Of course that works, but I was really trying to avoid that as the adapter is oddly shaped and cumbersome to have sticking out of the back-side of my pedal board.
Still, while the PP 4X4 did not perform everything I needed it to, I love having it on my board! It powers my Boomerang Phrase Sampler III perfectly, and all of my pedals now have their own dedicated power source. I'm sure I'll use the 12 V sockets for something someday.
Maybe it's time for a different wireless...
Trouble Powering my DR-1000 Series Wireless System
Re: Trouble Powering my DR-1000 Series Wireless System
Guitar Player
Pedalboard Line-up:
Digital Reference DR-1000, Dunlop Crybaby, Boss CS-3, Boss OC-2, Boss PS-6, Boss SD-1, Boss DS-1, ProCo RAT, Boss GE-7, Boss PH-1r, Boss CE-2, Boss DD-7, Boss DM-2w, Boomerang III Phrase Sampler
Guitar Player
Pedalboard Line-up:
Digital Reference DR-1000, Dunlop Crybaby, Boss CS-3, Boss OC-2, Boss PS-6, Boss SD-1, Boss DS-1, ProCo RAT, Boss GE-7, Boss PH-1r, Boss CE-2, Boss DD-7, Boss DM-2w, Boomerang III Phrase Sampler
Re: Trouble Powering my DR-1000 Series Wireless System
Is there anything on the original power supply or on the receiver that indicates the polarity?
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------
Re: Trouble Powering my DR-1000 Series Wireless System
Oh wow! I just checked it and it does require a center positive supply! That would certainly do it...
Guitar Player
Pedalboard Line-up:
Digital Reference DR-1000, Dunlop Crybaby, Boss CS-3, Boss OC-2, Boss PS-6, Boss SD-1, Boss DS-1, ProCo RAT, Boss GE-7, Boss PH-1r, Boss CE-2, Boss DD-7, Boss DM-2w, Boomerang III Phrase Sampler
Guitar Player
Pedalboard Line-up:
Digital Reference DR-1000, Dunlop Crybaby, Boss CS-3, Boss OC-2, Boss PS-6, Boss SD-1, Boss DS-1, ProCo RAT, Boss GE-7, Boss PH-1r, Boss CE-2, Boss DD-7, Boss DM-2w, Boomerang III Phrase Sampler
Re: Trouble Powering my DR-1000 Series Wireless System
So yes, I received the polarity switching cable in the mail the other day, and hooked it up. It does in fact work and through just one of the 12V 400mA outputs too on the 4X4. I guess they (The manufacturer) were right about the current draw, as well they should be.
Thanks again for everything!
Thanks again for everything!
Guitar Player
Pedalboard Line-up:
Digital Reference DR-1000, Dunlop Crybaby, Boss CS-3, Boss OC-2, Boss PS-6, Boss SD-1, Boss DS-1, ProCo RAT, Boss GE-7, Boss PH-1r, Boss CE-2, Boss DD-7, Boss DM-2w, Boomerang III Phrase Sampler
Guitar Player
Pedalboard Line-up:
Digital Reference DR-1000, Dunlop Crybaby, Boss CS-3, Boss OC-2, Boss PS-6, Boss SD-1, Boss DS-1, ProCo RAT, Boss GE-7, Boss PH-1r, Boss CE-2, Boss DD-7, Boss DM-2w, Boomerang III Phrase Sampler
Re: Trouble Powering my DR-1000 Series Wireless System
Right on!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------