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GCP and Axe FX: how can i access presets 129 upwards

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 2:51 am
by cge4001
Hi all !
With my GroundControl Pro i can only access Presets 01 - 128 on my AxeFX.
I’m using 10 Presets / Bank (so banks are labeled on the GCP 0 -9, then A – J, up to 200 preset). I can access every preset on the Axe Fx up till preset 128 via MIDI with the GCP, but not higher than 128.
I think, to access Bank B or C on Axe, i have to send a CC first with value 1 or 2, then send the PC. If so, where should this value be entered on my ground control ?
Thanks in advance

Re: GCP and Axe FX: how can i access presets 129 upwards

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:09 am
by Marlboro05
This should be in the Rack forum. Not sure if John checks the pedal forum out much.
I haven’t got an Axe FX so I am unable to help you with this. Is 128 presets not enough for you🤔🤨

Re: GCP and Axe FX: how can i access presets 129 upwards

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:16 am
by Marlboro05