Can anybody stop this confounded HUM?

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Can anybody stop this confounded HUM?

Post by artist1354 »

Just finished wiring up my board. Mounted two Pedal Power 2s under it and they work just fine.
Problem is, when I plug into my Egnater Rebel 30 head and 65 Twin Re-Issue I get a hideous ground loop hum. As long as I'm running just one amp, it's as quiet as the grave. But as soon as I run the board into both amps all hell breaks loose.
I'm using a Visual Sound H2O to split the chain with both outputs (wet and dry) going into a VS Volume pedal and out to the amps.
I've tried plugging the amps into different circuits and that does not help. Would not be an option though even if it did since most stages don't have multiple circuit outlets to choose from. I'd appreciate any insight into a solution.
Mick Jones

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Re: Can anybody stop this confounded HUM?

Post by JohnClark »

You can lift ground on the audio cable that feeds the guitar input of one of the amplifiers or you can use an isolation transformer before the guitar input of one of the amplifiers. Good Luck!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: Can anybody stop this confounded HUM?

Post by artist1354 »

Hey John,
Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. Your advice was spot on. Got a Radial Big Shot ABY, lifted the ground on the signal going to my Twin and voila, no more hum. My dual Pedal Power 2s keep the whole thing running nicely and I'm back to happily spankin' the plank with cool tones and no buzz.

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Re: Can anybody stop this confounded HUM?

Post by VHTSplawnJon »

Ok so im getting the same HUM with the GCX using it to A.B.Y 2 amps. I have read up on the Big Shot, and was planning to buy but i've read several posts now talking about the "Ground Lug" in the GCX ,and to lift that ground.

My question is... I see something that looks like a Lug... and its a nut, holding on a plastic connector. this the lug almost directly behind the Guitar In plugs. OR is it just a one black wire going to a Philips screw.

I was getting confused with all this talk of "lugs" ha... Just a note.. i did try unscrewing the screw holding one black wire.. and it did nothing for the Hum. But i thought i would ask before i start un-bolting something that looked more complicated.


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