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Pedal Switcher - Insert Jack
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 1:05 pm
by dreezy2250
Sooo if I wanted to use a Boss TU-2 tuner pedal and also tune silently WITHOUT taking up a loop, can I use the insert jack???
Re: Pedal Switcher - Insert Jack
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:08 pm
by JulianShur
The TRS insert is basically a send/receive only jack, which means you can throw a loop of pedals there that don't need to be switched. So yes, if you have a TRS cable (which is a stereo to 2 monos) you could just attach the tuner to the send mono side, sending your signal to the tuner. However, then no signal would pass through at all, if I understand how the Switcher works. So if I understand what you want, you might still need to use a loop if you want to turn on and off the tuner. I think. If you look up TRS and look at the pedal switcher manual, it will make sense hopefully.
Re: Pedal Switcher - Insert Jack
Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:44 pm
by nyteowl
The Boss TU-2 has two Output jacks. Using the Mute/Bypass jack will give you silent tuning, regardless of where the tuner is in your signal chain, so there is really no need at all to run it through the pedal switcher if your goal is silent tuning.
Most players I know who use a TU-2 run their guitar signal into the TU-2 first and then go from the Mute/Bypass jack to the first FX pedal in their signal chain, or in your case, into your Pedal Switcher.