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Cleaning ground control Pro

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 7:12 am
by bettsaj
I've just acquired a used ground control Pro & GCX switcher form Dan Hawkins, of the band The Darkness. Everything is great and all works as it should, however as this thing has been part of a touring rig, there is shed loads of gaffa tape residue on the ground control pro. I would like to clean this off, and would ordinarily use something thinners or alcohol based to clean it off.

What I don't want to do is spoil or do anything detrimental to the plastic stuck on fascia of the ground control. Has anyone got any past experience in cleaning this without spoiling the fascia, before I get my cloth out and paint thinners?

Re: Cleaning ground control Pro

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 7:36 am
by bettsaj
sorted, with White spirit :D

The only other issue I have is the plastic fascia is scratched along the bottom where they had some tape around the preset buttons.

Can you get replacement fascias, and rubber feet? The feet are missing as they had removed them to gaffa tape the ground control to a board?

Re: Cleaning ground control Pro

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 12:32 pm
by JohnClark
Glad you got it cleaned up!

Please feel free to give us a call or write to for current pricing and availability on a replacement overlay and rubber feet.

p.s. For anyone else reading this the Chassis of a Ground Control Pro is steel with a Polyester based Powdercoat. The Overlay is Lexan. Both are rather tough against many cleaners, but you may want to check with the maker of whatever cleaning solution you are looking to use about how it works with these materials.