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Dingbat PX-8 Plus

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:14 pm
by JimDog
So, my Dingbat has arrived, looks great but without a manual I am unable to use it. It starts in Preset Mode, I can't figure out how to create presets, I can only cycle through the banks of unconfigured presets and wonder... Also, can't figure out how to enter switcher mode. All in all, can't do anything with it. Can I have some guidance please. I'm familiar with the PX-8 but this is not the same. Thanks, Jim :cry:

Re: Dingbat PX-8 Plus

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:38 pm
by JohnClark
Yea sorry about that... the manual still isn't quite ready yet :oops:

Creating presets is done as follows:
1. While in Preset Mode (LED 5 is Green) Call up the preset you wish to edit.
2. Press Button #5 to go to 4 Button Instant Access Mode (LED 5 will turn Red).
3. In this Mode "L" on the display indicates that Buttons A,D,C, and D control Loops 1-4... activate any of Loops 1-4.
4. Press the Bank Up or Down button to change the display to "H".
5. In this Mode "H" on the display indicates that Buttons A,D,C, and D control Loops 5-8... activate any of Loops 5-8.
6. Press and hold the Store button. The Store LED will turn Green, The Display will flash the current Bank number, and the Preset LEDs will scroll through continually until you make a selection.
(7.) If you want to change the bank that this new preset will be saved to, you can press the Bank Up or Bank Down button to change the Bank
8. Press the Preset button you want these settings to save to.
9. The Preset LED will flash to confirm the save.

If you want to just use the PX-8 Plus in 8 Button Instant Access Mode and have no presets, do the following:
1. Press and hold button #5 while powering up the PX-8 Plus.
2. Press button #5 to change the color of the #5 LED. Green = Preset Mode, Red = 8 Button Instant Access mode.
3. Power down, then power back up with no buttons held down.

I hope that helps!

Re: Dingbat PX-8 Plus

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 12:25 pm
by JimDog
Thanks, that worked great :D It doesn't seem to have a feature that you have in Commander, where you can select a preset and switch bank and it stay on the preset. When I'm in Bank 1 and switch to Bank 2, no presets are selected, meaning you have to use two presses every time you change bank, one for the bank, one for the preset. Have I understood this right?



Re: Dingbat PX-8 Plus

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 10:45 am
by JohnClark
When pressing the Bank button(s), both products do the same thing, which is to stay on the current Preset until another Preset button is pushed.

What the Commander did differently was to A/B presets when you pressed the same preset button multiple times. Commander was able to do this since it had only two Preset Banks.

I hope that helps!

Re: Dingbat PX-8 Plus

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 2:48 pm
by JimDog
Thanks but that's not what I'm seeing. However and whenever I change banks, all presets are off until I select one.

Re: Dingbat PX-8 Plus

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 3:08 pm
by JohnClark
Oh, I see you are saying, but that was the Commander actually displaying both banks at once. If you had recalled a Preset in the Lower Bank then pressed the Bank button for the Upper Bank, nothing would be lit up in the Upper Bank LEDs. True it would still show the active preset in the opposite bank, but again, this was possible only because there were only two possible Banks each with its own set of LEDs.

When you select a Preset on PX-8 Plus then change the Bank, you will not have a preset button LED active since the currently loaded preset is in the previous bank rather than the one you are now displaying.

Re: Dingbat PX-8 Plus

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 3:10 pm
by JimDog
Thanks John, I get what you mean now :-P

Re: Dingbat PX-8 Plus

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:59 pm
by JohnClark
The User Manual is real!

Sorry this took so long!

Re: Dingbat PX-8 Plus

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 11:40 am
by mscheiner10
The URL posted for the manual is just directing me to the homepage. As is the link on the site. Is the manual at a different URL? Thanks

Re: Dingbat PX-8 Plus

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 12:07 pm
by JohnClark
mscheiner10 wrote:The URL posted for the manual is just directing me to the homepage. As is the link on the site. Is the manual at a different URL? Thanks
Hmm... I'll have to look into that, it was working as recent as yesterday.

In the meantime, do you have any questions on the PX-8 Plus that I can help answer?