MIDI signal loss from my GCP

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Re: MIDI signal loss from my GCP

Post by JohnClark »

I cannot explain why the Obey 40 works when it is the only MIDI device... it shouldn't work at all as it responds to different message types than you are sending. Likely it uses what is known as running status MIDI and it is only a fluke that it seemingly works. I would assume that even if it were the only device that it would not work reliably being controlled this way. You may want to give the folks at Chauvet a call to see if there are any other options for control.
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: MIDI signal loss from my GCP

Post by scoesh »

I could be wrong but it sounds to me as if Obey 40 wasn't designed to filter MIDI status messages properly. It also sounds like there might be an issue with its ability to buffer incoming data. By this I mean that it has difficulty handling multiple MIDI data messages all at once (ie. a MIDI controller preset containing several CC's PC's). Could be wrong but that is my hunch.

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