best signal path for Line 6 FM Pro (rack processor) w/GCX

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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best signal path for Line 6 FM Pro (rack processor) w/GCX

Post by Mr.Wednesday »

It seems like I get a new addition to my rig every's ok however, no divorce papers yet :P here's my question. I am adding a Line 6 Filter Modeler Pro to my rig. I had a Line 6 FM4 pedal on the 3rd loop of my GCX. The processor also has midi capability (as well as midi thru). My question is whether I should hook it up solely by using the midi connection or if I should use the unbalnced in/out from the unit. I know midi is more versatile but the other option is as simple as turning a dial so I'm not picky. How would you recommend that I connect the unit to my rig

One other note...

When i previously used a Rack Mounted Pod XTPro with the GCX and Ground Control pro I notice some latency when I changed from program to program. I had set the midi mapping so that the Ground Control Pro would scroll through the channels of my pod. Would there be a similar problem with this unit?


James Santiago
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Re: best signal path for Line 6 FM Pro (rack processor) w/GCX

Post by James Santiago »

To start, you can run the Filter Pro rack just like you did the pedal version in the 3rd loop of your GCX. The rack version has 1/4-inch unbalanced ins and outs so there should be no problem there. MIDI doesn't carry any audio information, so...

Now, the main benefit to using MIDI in this case is whether you want to change presets ALONG with your GCX. This is as simple as just running another MIDI cable from your GCX to the MIDI IN of the Filter Pro.

I demonstrated this type of setup using a Commander to send program changes (which the Ground Control Pro does as well) to a Delay and Mod Pro. You can see this here: ... annel_page

As for the latency when changing presets in the Filter Pro, it's barely noticeable. You should be just fine.
James Santiago
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Re: best signal path for Line 6 FM Pro (rack processor) w/GCX

Post by Mr.Wednesday »

ok...i'll give it a try.

Just to double check this should go from the GCX's Midi thru to the Line 6 Midi in right?


James Santiago
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Re: best signal path for Line 6 FM Pro (rack processor) w/GCX

Post by James Santiago »

On the back of your GCX, take the MIDI OUT and go to the MIDI IN of your Filter Pro. In the Filter Pro manual, it will tell you how to turn on program changes. If you have any problems setting it up, let us know later and I'll pull my Filter Pro from storage and walk you through it.

James Santiago
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Re: best signal path for Line 6 FM Pro (rack processor) w/GCX

Post by jeff_g »

Hi - hope I'm not displaying poor netiquette by jumping in on this post, but this kinda relates to why I came here in the first place, so...

I've also got a Filter Pro and am trying to control its tap tempo with my Ground Control Pro.
I've tried setting the Filter Pro to "learn" the switch I'm trying to use (one of the GCP's Instant Access buttons), and I also tried manually setting the Filter Pro's Tap CC# to the match the CC# that switch is sending, and no response from the FP either way.

Any tips?

If it matters, the Midi signal path is as follows (I'm doing this from memory as the rig is not here):
MIDI OUT of GCP to MIDI IN on Diezel amp head-->MIDI THRU on head to MIDI IN on TC Gforce-->MIDI THRU on TCGF to MIDI IN on FilterPro

Thanks in advance,


James Santiago
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Re: best signal path for Line 6 FM Pro (rack processor) w/GCX

Post by James Santiago »


Just to make sure, the Filter Pro you have is working fine? Is it seeing program changes or any other functions you've set up from the Ground Control Pro?

James Santiago
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Re: best signal path for Line 6 FM Pro (rack processor) w/GCX

Post by jeff_g »

It's doing program changes just fine...I don't know about other CC's, the tap tempo is the only one I've tried.

James Santiago
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Re: best signal path for Line 6 FM Pro (rack processor) w/GCX

Post by James Santiago »

Jeff, mine seemed to work fine. Here's what worked for me:

I set my FM Pro to MIDI channel 1.

On the Ground Control Pro, I went into SETUP mode and picked INSTANT ACCESS.

When I got 1.GCX-1 LOOP on the screen, I scrolled using the DATA +/yes button until it read 1.CH01 CTL000.

I then moved the value of the CC to the Line 6 default for Tap as specified in the manual which is #64. So now I have this as my value on the screen of the Ground Control Pro: 1.CH01 CTL064.

Hit EDIT and select YES on exit. Tap is now assigned to instant access button 1. I tried it myself this morning, so this really should work.

Now here's the thing, on the FM Pro, not all the effects are Tap enabled. Effects like Synth String and V-Tron don't do anything with the Tap button, so consiquently, nothing happens when you send it a CC using the Ground Conrol Pro either.

Let me know if this works for you.

James Santiago
Vice President - Voodoo Lab

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