I have an older DMC model GC Pro, running Ver1.11.
I have a few questions:
- Can I upgrade the firmware on my specific unit? If so to what?
- What is the current, stable firmware version for the GC Pro?
- How can I go about obtaining the most recent EProm chip?
- Are there any differences between the DMC and Voodoo lab models?
- Are there any significant changes in the firmware versions and is there a change log?
GC Pro firmware and questions
Re: GC Pro firmware and questions
The Ground Control Pro has basically remained the same since its introduction. The badging change is really just the screening on the chassis. Any age Ground Control Pro can run the current revision firmware.
The current firmware for the Ground Control Pro is v1.13. There is no real user experience difference between that ant v1.11 you are currently running. Are you having any trouble using the Ground Control Pro with any particular piece of gear?
In your case, I wouldn't necessarily suggest updating unless you just want to have the most current revision or need to match the firmware in a second Ground Control Pro for dumping the memory between two units.
As always, firmware updates can be purchased directly and are in the form of a replacement EPROM chip. feel free to give us a call or write to info@voodoolab.com for current pricing and availability.
I hope that helps!
The current firmware for the Ground Control Pro is v1.13. There is no real user experience difference between that ant v1.11 you are currently running. Are you having any trouble using the Ground Control Pro with any particular piece of gear?
In your case, I wouldn't necessarily suggest updating unless you just want to have the most current revision or need to match the firmware in a second Ground Control Pro for dumping the memory between two units.
As always, firmware updates can be purchased directly and are in the form of a replacement EPROM chip. feel free to give us a call or write to info@voodoolab.com for current pricing and availability.
I hope that helps!
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