Instant access button as tap tempo (Damage Control Timeline)?

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
Josh Fiden
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Re: Instant access button as tap tempo. How?

Post by Josh Fiden »

Hi Paul,

Great work!

I heard from Dave at Damage Control as well. He's getting me the Timeline info and I'll post it as soon as I hear back.

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Re: Instant access button as tap tempo. How?

Post by Chugs »

Great to hear the Glass Nexus tap issue is sorted out for you Paul. I emailed Damage Control about the Timeline update but I haven't received a reply yet. Have you heard from them Josh?

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Re: Instant access button as tap tempo. How?

Post by DamageDave »

Hello all. This is Dave from Damage Control. I'd like to thank Josh and Paul for working with me to get this issue resolved. As you have all figured out by now there is a software update for both the GlassNexus and the Timeline that will allow for the use of CC#s to control tap tempo. Email me directly <> and I will send you the update and instructions on how to update your unit. To update you will need a PC or Mac to midi device.

Thanks again to all involved in this issue. Kudos to Voodoo labs!


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Continuing saga of instant access button of tam tempo..

Post by Chugs »

The guys at Damage control have been helping me to try and get my Timeline delay to tap tempo using the GCX. They have suggested that I set up an instant access button to send these commands. "Setup the CG to send B0 26 00 on button down, then B0 26 7F on button up. That should work. Try this and let me know how it works." Is this possible with the GCX? Momentary automatically sends 127 when the button is DOWN and 0 when you RELEASE it. Right?

Josh Fiden
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Re: Continuing saga of instant access button of tam tempo..

Post by Josh Fiden »

Chugs wrote:The guys at Damage control have been helping me to try and get my Timeline delay to tap tempo using the GCX. They have suggested that I set up an instant access button to send these commands. "Setup the CG to send B0 26 00 on button down, then B0 26 7F on button up. That should work. Try this and let me know how it works." Is this possible with the GCX? Momentary automatically sends 127 when the button is DOWN and 0 when you RELEASE it. Right?
Let's start by getting the names correct! The GCX Guitar Audio Switcher is the rackmount unit which has the loops. The Ground Control Pro is the MIDI foot controller. Since the Timeline is being controlled via MIDI, you only need the Ground Control Pro, this has nothing to do with the GCX.

B0 26 is in hexidecimal. This would be CC #38 on MIDI channel 1. On your Ground Control Pro do the following:

1. Press both SETUP buttons at the same time to enter setup mode.
3. Bank down to select the button 1-8 you want to use for tap tempo.
4. Press +/YES until is says CH01 to select cc on MIDI channel 1.
5. Press CURSOR/> to highlight CTLxxx. Press +/YES until it says CTL038.
6. Press CURSOR/>, followed by +/YES until it says MOMENTARY.
7. Press either SETUP button, followed by +/YES to exit setup.

Now the button you selected on the GCP will be tap tempo for the Timeline. If not, check the following:

-You have old firmware in the Timeline.
-You don't have a MIDI cable connected from the GCP MIDI OUT to the Timeline MIDI IN (does the Timeline change programs from the GCP?).
-The GCP is not in 4 presets per bank, which means you haven't enabled instant access buttons.

Please post your results here!

Josh Fiden
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Re: Instant access button as tap tempo (Damage Control Timeline)

Post by Chugs »

Ok, I didn't realise that B0 26 in hexidecimal means CC#38. That means I have been attempting to control the Timeline tap tempo correctly via the GCP. I have an instant access button set up exactly as you describe.

I have the latest firmware from Damage Control.

I have a midi cable from the GCP to the GCX and then out to the Timeline. I am able to change presets on the Timeline using the GCP.

The GCP is in four presets per bank mode.


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Re: Instant access button as tap tempo (Damage Control Timeline)

Post by Chugs »

What Damage Control are suggesting I try is having the CGP to send B0 26 00 on button DOWN, then B0 26 7F on button UP. But a momentary instant access button on the GCP automatically sends 127 when the button is DOWN and 0 on button UP.
I am wondering if it possible to reverse the values the button sends on up and down?

Josh Fiden
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Re: Instant access button as tap tempo (Damage Control Timeline)

Post by Josh Fiden »

Chugs wrote:What Damage Control are suggesting I try is having the CGP to send B0 26 00 on button DOWN, then B0 26 7F on button UP. But a momentary instant access button on the GCP automatically sends 127 when the button is DOWN and 0 on button UP.
I am wondering if it possible to reverse the values the button sends on up and down?
Before you get too invested in this, just try operating the button in reverse. Hold the button down and release it on the beat. It really doesn't make any difference, hit the button and see if the tempo changes. If it doesn't, reversing the switch polarity won't matter. Aside from that, since others have gotten this working, well, you know.


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