GCPro not recalling all effects in G Major 2

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GCPro not recalling all effects in G Major 2

Post by kebabeater »

I'm not sure if this is an issue with my GCPro or with my G Major 2 but when I recall a user preset in my G Major 2 using the recall button on the G Major I have 4 effects selected e.g. chorus, delay, reverb and filter; however when I recall the same preset using the GCPro only 2 of the effects are lit (no reverb or delay). Is there a setting on the GCPro that I haven't got right or is this a G Major 2 issue? Thanks Andy

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Re: GCPro not recalling all effects in G Major 2

Post by JohnClark »

I see two possibilities for programming errors that could cause this...

1) Are you using any Ground Control Pro Instant Access buttons to control Effect Blocks within the G-Major 2? If so, make sure to leave them set to their default behavior of "Normal" rather than "Transmit with Preset".

2) Are you sure the recall button and the Ground Control Pro preset are recalling the same patch from the same bank? If not then you will have to go into the MIDI menu on the G-Major 2 and select the correct Program Bank (Factory or User) to pull patches from when receiving a MIDI Program Change.
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: GCPro not recalling all effects in G Major 2

Post by kebabeater »

JohnClark wrote:I see two possibilities for programming errors that could cause this...

1) Are you using any Ground Control Pro Instant Access buttons to control Effect Blocks within the G-Major 2? If so, make sure to leave them set to their default behavior of "Normal" rather than "Transmit with Preset".

2) Are you sure the recall button and the Ground Control Pro preset are recalling the same patch from the same bank? If not then you will have to go into the MIDI menu on the G-Major 2 and select the correct Program Bank (Factory or User) to pull patches from when receiving a MIDI Program Change.
Thanks John, you're a genius, it was number 1, for some reason it wasn't set to Normal, changed it and now working. Thanks Andy

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