New RIG - Lots of Questions

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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New RIG - Lots of Questions

Post by RocknFree »

I have happily made the switch to a Rack System and Voodoo Labs! I purchased the GCX Switcher and Ground Control. Here is my rig but CLUELESS on how to put it in what chain, and whether to use effects loop etc... HELP!

I have the following;
1. Furman Power Conditioner
2. GCX Switcher
3. Korg D2000 Tuner
4. Sennheiser Wireless
5. Dunlop Rack Wah
6. Line 6 Echo Pro
7. Line 6 Mod Pro
8. MXR Full Bore Metal
9. Aqua Puss
10. DD-3
11. MXR 10 Band EQ
12. CAE Boost/OD
13. QZone
14. A/B Clean/Dirty for Marshall 2555 Amp

I was told to keep the delays/mods in the effects loop? I use the DD-3 for solos generally only. I mostly use the Amp for Distortion, but on heavier stuff I use the Full Bore Metal. The EQ for clean channel boost and clean tones.

I have just one Amp. 1996 Marshall 2555SL Slash model Jubilee

Any help would be very helpful. Programming Midi and all that I can figure out, just the 'chain' is challenging for me. Thanks!

The Blue Letter
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Re: New RIG - Lots of Questions

Post by The Blue Letter »

Well it looks like unless you want to have multiple pedals in the same loop you will need to get another GCX to start. There is nothing wrong with having multiple pedals in the same loop. I do it for sure... But it just depends on what you need and when.

What is your pedal board going to consist of? just the GCP and some exp. pedals? or are you going to have some of your stomp boxes on there too? Or are all your stomp boxes going to be on a sliding rack shelf (or two) in your rack?

The options are limitless. It just depends on what sound you want/ need? As far as what "needs" to be in the effects loop of your amp. Don't just take peoples opinions for it. Try it out for yourself and make your own judgment call. Especially since you have multiple delays, you might try running your DD3 before your amp, and the Echo Pro in the Loop?

What ever you do, just experiment with it and try as many different set ups as you can before you permanently wire anything (cutting cable to specific lengths and stuff) that way you can find what works best for you and your needs, and then go for it.

I hope that helps somewhat. Take care
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Re: New RIG - Lots of Questions

Post by RocknFree »


There are 8 loops on the GCX? I will use just enough for one GCX to start. Its all going in a rack. On the floor I will only have Ground Control and Wah Pedal which works with or without power as the power only lights LED. So I wont need a power supply on the floor as the something phantom powers the Ground Control I believe.

everything else is int he rack.

How would you reccommend I set this up?

I wont have the wireless to start. That is part of plan B. I also dont think I need Aqua Puss AND DD-3 if i have echo pro. SO one of those or even both can go. QZone can go also. I dont think I will need that with a rackmount wah.

So I definitely want to start with one GCX.

Im clueless on what should be infront of amp or after or any of that. The whole effects loop thing throws me off

The Blue Letter
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Re: New RIG - Lots of Questions

Post by The Blue Letter »

Where are you located and what sort of music do you play? Are you in a specific band? or do you mostly just play whatever?

That will definitely help determine a lot of stuff. And you are running just the one head for an amp? Because that will also answer a lot of set up stuff. Stereo vs. Mono type questions.
loud, louder, loudest

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Re: New RIG - Lots of Questions

Post by RocknFree »

IM in Florida. We are a cover band with originals as well. I am currently running one amp and cab. Variety of music from metal to alternative, classic rock, hair bands, etc. Stereo/Mono ??? I believe everything mono.

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Re: New RIG - Lots of Questions

Post by RocknFree »

Im looking at all the loops. The rackmount Wah and the Tuner do not get loops in the GCX do they? I believe they go in front or the pass through thing or something?

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Re: New RIG - Lots of Questions

Post by JohnClark »

I can certainly help with specific questions but there is no one way to use a GCX. The connections and routing will completely depend on what you want to do with all this gear. The Blue Letter is on the right track, you first should have an idea of your intended signal flow to start out or an idea of what you hope to get out of this gear. Take a look at the sample rig diagrams found here for some ideas of how a GCX can be used within various rigs.

Your tuner and wah can go in front of the GCX or even in the loops, again there is no one way to do it. If they will always be in line or they have their own bypass that you are happy with, then there is no need to put them in the loops. If you would rather that they only be in the signal path when in use or you wish to have them enabled/disabled simultaneously with other changes made then you will want to put them in GCX loops. The main question is still the same... what is is you want to get out of this list of gear?
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: New RIG - Lots of Questions

Post by RocknFree »

John -

I would assume putting the Tuner, Wireless and Wah ahead of the guitar, then run the Echo, Mod and Pedals in the loops, with the DD-3, EQ and BOOST in the effects loop. Historically in this amp when I ran the DD-3 outside the loop for leads and solos it tended to choke out on bends and sounded terrible. But in the loop it was perfect!

I have added a Rocktron hush also. That would go in the effects loop as well no?

Then what type of cabling? Line level or just simple Mogami Guitar instrument cabling?

Do I need two switchers?

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Re: New RIG - Lots of Questions

Post by JohnClark »

With the tuner and the wah inline, I see 9 things left to switch, 10 if you include the Hush. You can double up any effects that are always used together. The Hush should be routed wherever it effectively kills whatever noise you want killed, but the likely place is in the effects loop of the amp. There are as many opinions about what brand of cables to use as there are people that use them ;) ... on the basic, Instrument cables will work for all of the stuff in this rig.
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: New RIG - Lots of Questions

Post by RocknFree »

I sought some help to get this built and the guy is recommending balanced Canare cables. IS there a huge difference between balanced and unbalanced cabling for this? Isnt all instrument cables unbalanced anyway? HELP!

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