Midi Problems.

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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Midi Problems.

Post by courtesyblush »

I have Ground Control running into a GCX

From the GCX midi runs into an amp gizmo

from the amp gizmo to eventides time factor
then to the mod factor
then to the pitch factor

from the pitch factor to a holliest grail reverb

from the reverb to the last pedal which is a whammy. This is controlled by a expression pedal beside the Ground Control with continous controller messages.

Everything works in this setup but the whammy pedal has issues. Once in a while it wont read midi signals from the Ground Control. I have to power down and power back up in order for it to work again.

The whammy pedal has to be last because it only has one midi input.

What I think the problem might be is that the continous controller messages sent from the expression pedal through 6 pedals to the whammy are too weak or getting lost.

Is there an issue with midi strength? Can i split the midi signal right after the GCX and send it straight to the whammy so the cc messages have a more direct route, will this solve my problem?

do my midi cables have to make a complete loop back to the Ground Control?

Is there such a thing as a midi boost?


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Re: Midi Problems.

Post by dawesy1986 »

Hey Mathew,
i had a similar issue so i picked up an old Digital Music Corp midi splitter off ebay.

You plug your midi conroller into it, then it splits the signal to it's multiple outputs, to all your gear. So rather than 7 midi feed throughs which you're using at the moment you'd have 1 or 2... Great device.

In your case i'd go GCPro into GCX for phantom power, then GCX into midi splitter. The one i'm using is discontinued but there's heaps of companies out there still making them.

Before investing in new equipment though, just run the GCPro straight into the whammy, without all your other devices in the way, and see if the Whammy operates any better -- could be it has faulty midi input.

Cheers mate, hope this helps.

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Re: Midi Problems.

Post by JohnClark »

dawesy1986 wrote: Before investing in new equipment though, just run the GCPro straight into the whammy, without all your other devices in the way, and see if the Whammy operates any better -- could be it has faulty midi input.

Cheers mate, hope this helps.

What he said. ;)
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Re: Midi Problems.

Post by courtesyblush »

that does help alot, thanks.

thats what i thought it was but our producer was telling me that he has noticed midi has latency issues. He used to work on midi when it first came out. So I thought it might affect the signal strenth or speed when its split but I'm glad it doesn't.

thanks again.


The Blue Letter
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Re: Midi Problems.

Post by The Blue Letter »

What these guys are saying is definitely the way to go! I have read a lot about MIDI lately and most recommendations are that if you have more than 4 MIDI devices you should use some sort of splitter device. Dawesy recommended a great one ;) but obviously it isn't manufactured anymore :( but have no fear, there are plenty of other options. Check out MIDI Solutions http://www.midisolutions.com they have have a bounty of options. I use their T8 in my rig and it does wonders.
Good Luck
loud, louder, loudest

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