G Major 2 question

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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G Major 2 question

Post by crazyswede »

Hi everyone,

Sorry if this is obvious, but I'm new to this. If I want to set up a system with the GCX and GCP with 2 amp heads (Never using the amp heads together, but switching for tones: Amp 1 = clean / amp 2 = dirty) and want to use the G Major 2 for effects on both amps, can I do it with one G Major 2 or do I need 2 G Major units?

Also, I heard that there is a lag in switching FX with the G Major 2. Is this true? I would like to set up so that the trails from on sound continue when I switch to the next patch. Am I better off using a G Major?

Thanks in advance! Appreciate any advice.

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Re: G Major 2 question

Post by JohnClark »

The first part is being discussed here... http://www.voodoolab.com/forum/viewtopi ... 5081#p5081

As for any switching lag...To be totally clear, I own the first G-Major and I never found the patch loading to be significantly delayed even with all the effects blocks enabled. However,if you remove unnecessary effect blocks from your G-Major patches, the patches will load faster. A patch that comes up with one or two effects blocks enabled, and the rest of them at the ready, but in a bypass state in case you wish to add them via stomp box style control, will take longer to load than a patch that is written to only load the effects blocks that are enabled as part of the patch sound.

Spillover between patches is something that is set within the G-Major 2 itself.

I hope that helps!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: G Major 2 question

Post by crazyswede »

Thanks John! I've also done some research into the lag on the GM2 and have learned of settings other users use to combat the lag. Your suggestion is a big help!

Sorry for the redundant question that you're addressing in the other thread. :oops:

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