GCP & G-Major2 Configuration

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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GCP & G-Major2 Configuration

Post by Anglian »

Does anyone have experience of using the GCP and the G-Major2?

I’d like to emulate the operation of common floor FX units like the G-System, that is using the bottom row switches for recalling presets and the row above to turn on & off the different FX blocks, e.g. Delay, Pitch, Mod etc. But I’d like these IA buttons to follow the preset to indicate which FX block are on.
I think this can be achieved by setting up the IA buttons to ‘transmit with preset’ but this will mean the G-Major2 will be hit with a program change and a bunch of CC controllers every time a new preset is selected. Does anyone have experience of doing this and does it cause the G-Major2 to have any hiccups, glitches, delays, pops & clicks etc.

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Re: GCP & G-Major2 Configuration

Post by JohnClark »

Anglian wrote:Does anyone have experience of using the GCP and the G-Major2?

I’d like to emulate the operation of common floor FX units like the G-System, that is using the bottom row switches for recalling presets and the row above to turn on & off the different FX blocks, e.g. Delay, Pitch, Mod etc. But I’d like these IA buttons to follow the preset to indicate which FX block are on.
I think this can be achieved by setting up the IA buttons to ‘transmit with preset’ but this will mean the G-Major2 will be hit with a program change and a bunch of CC controllers every time a new preset is selected. Does anyone have experience of doing this and does it cause the G-Major2 to have any hiccups, glitches, delays, pops & clicks etc.
To make the instant access button's status match with effects that are active on a given preset:

1. Call up the Ground Control Pro preset that you want to edit.
2. Press any of the Instant Access buttons that should be on for this preset.
3. Press and hold the EDIT button.
4. Once the Ground Control Pro screen changes, press the EDIT button again.
5. Press the YES button to save the changes.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for each Ground Control Pro preset that has active effects.

Because you are only trying to match the status of the effects blocks that are recalled within the G-Major 2 patch, you will not want to set these Instant Access buttons to Transmit with Preset. There should be no pop other strangeness as these changes are all in the digital portion of the signal processing.

I hope that helps!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: GCP & G-Major2 Configuration

Post by Anglian »

John thanks for the info.

I understand your solution for using the LEDs to match the status of the FX blocks in a preset rather than actually transmitting a CC command to turn it on.

Just one more question, will the IA buttons know their status, e.g. if the delay FX is on in the preset and I set an IA switch LED to be on to reflect that, if I then press that IA switch will the LED go off and transmit an 'off' CC command?
Or will it send an 'on' CC command, leave the LED on then require a second press to go off and send an 'off' CC comand?

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Re: GCP & G-Major2 Configuration

Post by JohnClark »

Anglian wrote:John thanks for the info.

I understand your solution for using the LEDs to match the status of the FX blocks in a preset rather than actually transmitting a CC command to turn it on.

Just one more question, will the IA buttons know their status, e.g. if the delay FX is on in the preset and I set an IA switch LED to be on to reflect that, if I then press that IA switch will the LED go off and transmit an 'off' CC command?
Or will it send an 'on' CC command, leave the LED on then require a second press to go off and send an 'off' CC comand?
The status will match the state of the LED... the correct message will be sent... which is the whole point of this really ;)
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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