paralell effects question

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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paralell effects question

Post by cjkbug »

in the process of redoing my rack. I've gotten a mixer so I can run my delays and reverbs in parallel so the trails don't get cut off when I switch them off with my gcx. I know I need something to split the dry signal up to feed the input of the mixer and the input of each effect I want to run in parallel if I want to use multiple effects. my question is. Is your amp selector a viable splitter or is there a simpler solution. I am afraid simply using "y" adapters won't be sufficient.

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Re: paralell effects question

Post by JohnClark »

What is the dry signal source you will be using to drive the mixer and effects? If it is line level (the output of a preamp or effects send) then it should be fine to split the signal with Y cables without fear of any signal loss.

I hope that helps!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: paralell effects question

Post by cjkbug »

thanks for the response. the signal source will be the effect loop send of my jmp1. from there it goes through the second channel of my decimator prorack into loop 5 of my gcx/line 6 modpro. that's where I need to split the signal. I am running the mod pro in mono to avoid trying to get my chorusing to sound good in paralell. I've had mixed results with y-cables before where one side would have a stronger signal than the other. I was thinking of building a buffer/splitter such as the one shown here but I noticed your amp switcher which seemed like the same idea. am I overthinking this?

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Re: paralell effects question

Post by JohnClark »

With a line level source, there should be no problem* using a Y cable to do this split. Your problem with one side being weaker would suggest that perhaps you were using an Insert cable rather than a Y cable. A Y cable for splitting a mono signal will have mono connections at all ends.

*A Y cable, or even a buffered splitter (unless otherwise noted), will provide a common ground to both destinations. This can cause ground loop problems in some cases. The Amp Selector will allow you to split this signal while eliminating any potential ground loop issues. In your case I would try first with the simple Y cable and listen for problems. As I understand it, you will not be running multiple amplifiers, but running the MOD Pro in series then to some effects in parallel all running back to your JMP-1.
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: paralell effects question

Post by cjkbug »

cool, so I'll try the y cables. and run them thru my ebtech h8 to break any ground loops that turn up. and see how it goes.

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