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2 GCX units with RJM mastermind gt22

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 11:02 am
by Evans1023
Hello all,

I can’t get my second gcx to work with my mastermind gt22. I have the first one working perfectly, however I can’t seem to get the second working. I have tried assigning it the cc value range of 89-96 with no luck.

Any tips?

Thanks in advance

Re: 2 GCX units with RJM mastermind gt22

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 1:02 pm
by JohnClark
In order to get two (or more) GCX units to work from the Mastermind controller you will first need to program the Mastermind to send the following MIDI System Exclusive string...

F0 00 00 07 01 08 10 F7

This tells each GCX in the MIDI path what position it is in which in turn makes each GCX listen on a different set of Control Change messages on MIDI Channel 16.

Alternatively, we offer a a chip for GCX #2 (as well as for GCX #3 and GCX #4) that forces it to respond to the appropriate Control Change set without first needing the SysEx message.

I hope that helps!