Gcx, GCP and triaxis using both outputs

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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Gcx, GCP and triaxis using both outputs

Post by Charlie_F »

I'm new here and have been looking for a wiring that fits my needs but I don't seem to find it in the forum. I have recently purchased a GCX Audio switcher basically to control some pedals I currently own plus others I'm planning to get in the near future. My rig consists of a triaxis preamp, a G-major 2 and a Mesa boogie two ninety power amp, the G-major being right between the pre and power amps (I use both outputs from the triaxis into the two inputs of the g-major and then both of its outputs into the 2.90). I also have a GCP to control the preamp and the effects unit, as well as a midi loop with two pedals.
What I'd like to do is keep my signal as close as possible as to what I have now, meaning that I want to use both outputs from the triaxis. If I just use one of them, I'm sure the sound will actually be quite different. When looking through the different wiring diagrams I just could see how to switch between two or more preamps , but not how to connect one single preamp in stereo. Perhaps my question is so obvious, but could anyone please help me? Thanks in advance!

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Re: Gcx, GCP and triaxis using both outputs

Post by JohnClark »

For the two preamp outputs, you would use two GCX Loops... but more likely would be that you would just skip the GCX completely for this part of the rig and wire the G-Major 2 directly in between the preamp and power amp as you have been doing.

I hope that helps!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: Gcx, GCP and triaxis using both outputs

Post by Charlie_F »

Thank you very much!
So if I wanted to keep my current flow as it is (triaxis - g-major 2 - power amp), could I still use the GCX to turn on and off pedals both at the front and after the preamp? The idea is that the g-major is always on as I use the preset level to control the overall volume and I can push the triaxis a little bit more. Also, I like to use the compressor of the g major although for some presets I also activate a compressor pedal that I have before the triaxis along with a TS9. As I said, I'm thinking about getting some more pedals, perhaps a couple of them to be at the front and other modulation, delay and/or reverb pedals that should go after the triaxis.
Could you please show me both wiring diagrams that you suggested on your post?
Thanks for your patience.

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Re: Gcx, GCP and triaxis using both outputs

Post by JohnClark »

Oh sorry, yes you can absolutely still use the GCX for other effects even if you don't use it for the G-Major 2.

You can route any number of GCX loops to the front of your Triaxis, so far you've mentioned 2 pedals and that you want to add more so lest say four loops for now...
your front end effects would go into Loops 1-4 with the Out of Loop 4 running to the Instrument Input on the Triaxis.

That leaves you with four unused GCX Loops. For Stereo devices you will need two loops for each stereo device. It really sounds like in this setup the G-Major2 would always be active so it doesn't need to connect to any loops, but if you were to add a delay after the G-Major you would run the Outputs of the G-Major2 to two GCX Loops with the stereo delay in the sends and returns, then take the Out of these loops to the 2:90 Inputs.
(note: There is a stereo mod available for the GCX that turn four of the loops to full stereo using TRS jacks if you are going to switch more stereo devices)

From the Ground Control Pro you will be able to recall any combination of the Eight GCX Loops as well as do all the MIDI control you already have for the Triaxis and G-Major2.

I hope that helps!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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Re: Gcx, GCP and triaxis using both outputs

Post by Charlie_F »

Thank you for your quick reply! Now it's quite clear to me and of course it really helps. I couldn't figure it out by myself.

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