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Multiple preamp setup

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:22 pm
by dawesy1986
If you're using a GCX or other device to mix and match multiple preamps/power amps, can you please post pics or diagrams of your signal path?

I've been mapping out a setup but i'm curious as to how everyone else is doing it (IE are you muting preamp input, output, can you blend 2 sounds together or only pick one at a time etc..)

Also, if you've had any of the notorious popping, clicking and ground hum i've read about on this forum, what did you do to remedy these issues?

If i can draw out my idea for signal flow i'll post it on here if anyone wants to see it and point out flaws and ways to improve it...

Cheers guys, looking forward to seeing your rigs!

Re: Multiple preamp setup

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:52 am
by JohnClark
It is best to switch between the outputs of the preamps, that is how you avoid popping. Here is a rig diagram that shows switching between three preamp outputs in a strict one-of-three setup... ... werAmp.pdf

Mixing multiple preamp outputs to a single input would require a mixer to be done correctly. Are you instead using a stereo power amp and want to route a different preamp output to each side?

Also, here are two links to a blank worksheet so you can draw your intended signal flow if you would like... ... heet_p.pdf (portrait) ... heet_l.pdf (landscape)

Re: Multiple preamp setup

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:08 pm
by dawesy1986
Hi John, thanks for the advice.

I've tried to draw up a rough version of what i'm basically trying to do, though i'll be using more FX and a second System Mix Plus, and I have a feeling i'll be getting a sterio GCX when I want to hook this stuff up..

Also undecided on the "Marshall Power Amp" so stuff will of course change, but as i said, here's the basics... The Krank PreAmp and Krank PowerAmp are the same head, just with the FX loop broken to support this idea.

Let me know if you see anything that looks like it's bad news!
Thanks -- Dawesy.

EDIT: I forgot to add, in this set up, the Amp Selector has all the amps permanently kicked in, and would just be rack mounted behind the preamps and GCX.


Re: Multiple preamp setup

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:55 am
by JohnClark
This looks good so far... the only thing I see is that you don't need to feed both inputs of the G-Major, the Send from Loop 5 running to the Left(Mono) input is all that is needed. This would open up Loop 6 for another parallel effect processor.

Re: Multiple preamp setup

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:19 pm
by dawesy1986
Thanks for the help.
I've heard a lot of people say that of the G Major but whenever i tried it, only the left delay was audible. So I plugged into the right input, and only the right delay was audible. I've been using both inputs ever since! lol. I'll have to get on to the TC forum and ask about.

At any rate, if it's a sterio GCX (which is the intention) i could feed both inputs with one loop, and with some nice adaptors i could use only one loop for the power amp switching at the end of the signal path too!

The Krank squeels like no tomorrow if you break the "return" connection physically, but i don't know how this would work with the GCX switcher.. i mean, technically there's still a cable connected to the return.. but does that count for anything when the GCX loop it's connected to is bypassed?

Also can you run mono gear with the Sterio GCX just by using TS cables or do you need to by specific cables and connectors?

Thanks again. Dawesy.

Re: Multiple preamp setup

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:55 pm
by JohnClark
Weird about the G-Major not normaling the mono input... does this only happen with dual delays or do you have to use both inputs for any stereo output to work? Perhaps this only occurs when trying to run two discrete delay times.

The squeal shouldn't happen when bypassing the Krank power amp section with the GCX loop, but then not all manufacturers have a switching system in mind when laying out their circuits. Perhaps the fact that I have never had anyone say they had this problem should help! Try it out and let us know if it does anything weird.

Stereo GCX loops still function as mono loops when mono cables are used.

Re: Multiple preamp setup

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:48 pm
by dawesy1986
Awesome. Thanks for all the help with it..

Off the top of my head the mono/sterio issue applied to all the sterio FX but this is going quite a few months back, so i'll have a play with it in a few days when i get back home and let you all know what the deal is.


Re: Multiple preamp setup

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 8:34 am
by The Blue Letter
Looks cool Dawesy,
I am running 4 preamps, into 2 stereo power amps with 3 GCX's...but no mixer. I'm almost done wiring it all up and when I am, I'll post some wiring diagrams as well as photos.

Re: Multiple preamp setup

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:48 pm
by dawesy1986
The Blue Letter wrote:Looks cool Dawesy,
I am running 4 preamps, into 2 stereo power amps with 3 GCX's...but no mixer. I'm almost done wiring it all up and when I am, I'll post some wiring diagrams as well as photos.
Cool dude, looking forward to seeing how it comes together.
Three GCX's??!! that's gonna be some crazy wiring there!
Can you blend the amps together with your set up or is it one of the four at a time only ?

Re: Multiple preamp setup

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:31 pm
by The Blue Letter
It is all four pre-amps are on most of the time. Each running to their own 4x12 cab, out of the 2 stereo power amps.