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Ground control pro gcx and hx stomp

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:55 am
by Steam
Hello, this is my first message here and I'm happy To be here.
I bought a line6 hx stomp and i'm trying to find the best way to use it with a gcx and a Ground control.
I work on 4 presets mode and there are some things i would like To do but i don't find the way To do it.
I would like to change my presets on the gcx and activate or desactivate some blocks on the hx stomp.
I can control them manualy with some instant access buttons but i can't control them automaticaly.
I hope someone can help me.
Thank you in advance

Re: Ground control pro gcx and hx stomp

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 5:37 pm
by Marlboro05
Hi there,

I haven’t played with a HX Stomp, but with other FX units, you have to create a preset with those blocks activated, then select that preset.

Hope this helps you out


Re: Ground control pro gcx and hx stomp

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:06 pm
by 63fender
I use the stomp and GCP together. Firdt thing, set the GCP so that it sends PC messages starting at 00.

When you select a preset, it sends a PC to change patches. To do what you're wanting, you'll have to make different patches on the stomp and toggle them with the presets on the GCP. Hope that makes sense to you.