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Rig Help (cc messages)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:17 am
by jmregan2
I am running midi from a GCP into a Hex into a Strymon Volnate into a BluGuitar Amp 1.

I want to send cc messages to the amp1 to control the gain and the effects loop, but I cannot figure out how. Everytime I try I only end up changing the Volante settings

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Rig Help (cc messages)

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:36 pm
by JohnClark
Your Volante and Amp1 need to be set to receive on unique MIDI Channels. It looks like the Amp1 might be fixed at using MIDI Channel 1 so I'd look to changing the MIDI Receive Channel on the Volante to Channel 2. In the Ground Control Pro you will name each device and assign it the same MIDI Channel as the device is set to receive... Since you seem to already have some stuff going I'd name Device #1 as the Volante, (but change the MIDI Channel to Channel 2 both on the Ground Control Pro and in the Volante), then name the Amp 1 as Device #2 and assign MIDI Channel 1. (this may all seem wacko but if you've already programmed presets to recall Volante sounds you'll be happy to not have to re-program all these presets.)
Further, you will need to set the Volante to use its MIDI Out as a MIDI thru so it will pass the messages thru to the Amp 1.

Look to the Device Name/channel section of the Ground Control Pro manual under Setup mode to see how to name each MIDI device you are controlling and set it's MIDI channel.

I hope that helps!

Re: Rig Help (cc messages)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 4:58 am
by jmregan2
I appreciate the reply.

I switched the bluguitar to midi channel 1 and enabled the Volante for midi thru. Unfortunately there is still no communication between the gcp/hex and the bluguitar amp1.

I guess there must be a problem with either the cord or the port of the amp1 (unless I am still missing a step with my gcp/hex setup)


Re: Rig Help (cc messages)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 9:15 am
by jmregan2
I figured it out! It all had to do with the Volante. Setting it to midi thru was not enough, I also had to change the Volantes midi output allowed functions (it was set to only send messages generated by the Volante). Once I changed that, I was able to communicate with the Amp1.

One other question, now that I can send PC and CC messages, am I able to assign values to the CC messages with GCP - Hex set up?
