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GCP – JMP-1 and volume pedal

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:44 am
by cudarea
GCP – JMP-1 and Volume pedal

Here is another question for you guys –

I see a number of posts for expression/volume pedals but can’t find anything that helps me directly – so here it is –

I have the GCP going into a GCX – then midi to my JMP-1 then to my G-Major 2 –

Volume pedal in pedal 1 on GCP –

Pedal 1 is “on” in GCP –

I see – as I scroll thru options for the pedal on the CGP -- that the value number adjusts from 0 to 127 on the GCP display as I move the pedal – but somewhere I think I need it to tell the JMP-1 something thru midi --- right?

Or does it need to control the G-Major (this doesn’t make sense to me because I don’t always have the G-Major on and I want the volume pedal accessible at all times) –

I just want this pedal as a simple volume control – so it should control the volume of the pre-amp (JMP-1) right??


Re: GCP – JMP-1 and volume pedal

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:16 pm
by JohnClark
The JMP-1 does not respond to any MIDI Control Change messages, there is not a way to control its volume via MIDI. You will either have to control volume via MIDI on one of your other MIDI devices or patch the volume pedal directly into the audio path.

Re: GCP – JMP-1 and volume pedal

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:12 pm
by cudarea
understood ---- thanks!! Saves me a ton of time trying to figure that out --

So -- I'm thinking - "in" and "out" cables running from the pedal to a GCX loop --??

or --- if I am running cables from the volume pedal back to the rack -- where should it go in the "path" -- (I guess that might be an "opinion" -- but that is cool) ---

THANKS John --- you must get tired after a while with all this ---- but hey -- that is why you make the BIG $$ --- right?? :D

Re: GCP – JMP-1 and volume pedal

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:43 pm
by JohnClark
Unfortunately my dollars are the same size as any other dollar I have seen ;) (Actually they have been seeming shrink over the last few years but I suppose that is a topic for a different forum all together.)

I wouldn't put the volume pedal in a loop as if it were an effect to be bypassed but you can certainly route it between two loops. I guess first it would be best to decide where you want it. If what you want is an overall volume control then it should be routed so that it is just before the power amp input(s) if possible, but there are some things that may decide the routing for you. Are you running the output of this rig in stereo and if so, is the volume pedal mono or stereo? What value pot is in this volume pedal.