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Ground Control Pro & Fractal Audio Axe FX Ultra

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:33 pm
by chopshop777
Anyone know how to set these two together so you can change the presets on the Axe Fx with the top 2 rows of the GCP ? and please please do not tell me to read the manual or that video on youtube, none of them are of any help, has anyone actually done this or knows how to ? any help would be immensely apprecaited. cheers

Re: Ground Control Pro & Fractal Audio Axe FX Ultra

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:52 am
by JohnClark
If you would prefer 10 Presets per Bank rather than the default 4 Presets per Bank then you will need to change that in the Setup Mode.

1. Press both Setup buttons at the same time to enter Setup Mode.
2. Press the Utility Button.
3. Press the Bank Down button. (The screen should now read "4 PRST/BANK")
4. Press the Data + button. (The screen should now read "10 PRST/BANK")
5. Press either Setup button then press the Yes button to exit Setup Mode.

This will arrange your presets on the smaller numbered buttons starting at the top. If you have not changed any of the other default settings then this should recall patches on your Axe-FX on MIDI channel 1.

Also, because I cannot resist ;) , you should really get into reading the manuals, they may not answer your immediate question with the same ease as getting the answer from someone that knows, but it will provide every detail about how to operate and use your gear which in time should be an incredible help. Good Luck!

Re: Ground Control Pro & Fractal Audio Axe FX Ultra

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:09 pm
by chopshop777
Hey John thanks so much for your reply, I will give this a try,