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Why not allowing "Program Change" on GCX??

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:12 pm
by alexglvr

I have a G-system and I would like to use it to command a GCX switcher.

Unfortunatly, when a preset is selected, the Gsys can only send "Program Change" midi oder.

But the GCX only support "Control Change" commands...

Can we imagine a software update allowing "Prog Change"?

(It will also be usefull for the owners with other midi controllers. It would avoid sending 8 "Control change" orders...)

Let's imagine, 128 presets responding to "Program Change" oders:
Preset 1 : PG1
Preset2 : PG2

...with the possibility to store in Each preset:
- the wanted state for each loop
- the type of commutation for each loop (latch/momentary)

It could be nice !!!


Re: Why not allowing "Program Change" on GCX??

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:27 pm
by JohnClark
There are no plans to make the GCX respond to MIDI Program Changes as the reality of it would actually require quite extensive hardware changes.