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MIDI cable question

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:58 am
by satchaholic
dumb question, but I currently have a 5-pin midi cable between my GCP and Audio Switcher, but it does not power the GCP. I am having to use the big transformer and it's a bummer :)

So, before I purchase a midi cable that will power the GCP, I want to make sure I'm buying the right thing. I've seen some that are 5-pin, some discrete, some not mentioned.

Can someone link to a midi cable that will FOR SURE work for both powering and communicating between GCP and Audio Switcher?

Much appreciated!

Re: MIDI cable question

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:05 am
by JohnClark
You need to get a cable that is labeled 5-pin active or 5-pin wired. If it does not say this then you can assume it does not wire all 5 pins.