DMC Ground Control + Ground Link preset issue

Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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DMC Ground Control + Ground Link preset issue

Post by showmesirion »

Hello! I am new to this forum so first post here. Hopefully someone can help!

I am setuping a rig using the DMC-era Ground Control v2.4 + Ground Link + GCX. I want to configure the Ground Link to send CC messages but I can't save or recall the Instant Access Buttons states per GC presets.

Bank4 mode
MIDI Device "MPX1" on CH1
Expander: GL on PROGRM mode, CC messages assigned to buttons 1 to 6
Preset 01 sends PC#01 on MIDI CH1
Preset 02 sends PC#01 on MIDI CH1
Preset 11 sends PC#02 on MIDI CH1
Preset 12 sends PC#02 on MIDI CH1

GC transmits both PCs and CCs (MPX1 receives them).

When I select a preset with a PC on CH1 all 6 button's' leds turn on. There is no getting back to a state where I pressed "store" on the GL... What I am missing?

Other weird behavior: the GCX Active Led is always On. It blinks whenever I recall a preset or press any GC or GL buttons. Is this normal?

Thanks in advance for any guidance.

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Re: DMC Ground Control + Ground Link preset issue

Post by JohnClark »

Sorry to say but this is a symptom of this very old hardware. Both the Original Ground Control and the Ground Link lack the ability to save the state of the buttons when they are re-programmed with MIDI Channel and Controller Number.

The GCX Active LED will stay on when a Ground Control configured to enable the GCX is connected. This is normal.

I hope that helps!
---------==Voodoo Lab Magician & Tech==---------

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