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GCP calling entire PRESETS from POD HD PRO

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 11:19 am
by vkratosplay
Hello! I am new here at the community. My issue is with the FBV Shortboard MKII foot controller that connects to my POD HD PRO. I feel it has some limitations. For my playability I use 6-8 presets per song and I notice that the FBV only has a,b,c,d ( 4 presets) that you can only use to call each other back and forth without using the bank footswitch option. The only way I can see it works is by using the bank footswitch and then jump to the next new block of presets. It is a two jump step for me, which in this case is not possible for me to do it live. I was thinking in getting the voodolab foot controller to control those presets instantly. One way I am guessing is by setting up the bank footswitch (MD CC) in toggle mode to jump to the next preset and automatically call and load it. Or to expand the options like a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h. Would this foot controller work that way for my POD HD PRO? Thank you so much in helping me. I appreciate it!!!

Re: GCP calling entire PRESETS from POD HD PRO

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 9:44 am
by JohnClark
The Ground Control Pro 10 Presets Per Bank Mode is likely well suited for this. Each preset Bank would have Ten Preset locations. A common use of this in a somewhat rigid set list is to dedicate each bank to a song.

You would still need to press the Bank up or Down Button to get to the next "Song" but you would have up to 10 preset changes ready to go.

I hope that helps!