Q & A for building and interfacing your rack gear with Ground Control Pro and GCX-based systems.
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Post by vinirosa »

Hi, I'm about to buy a GCX switcher but first I just wanted to make sure I really need a Ground Control footswitch.

The question I really need to know the answer is: Can i turn on and off GCX's loops without a foootswitch? I want to do it from its front panel, since I'll use it just for recording, and if I can do it like that, that will do it for me, otherwise I may consider getting another switcher.

Thanks ins advance,

Vinicius Rosa.

Posts: 16
Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2021 12:02 pm


Post by dystrust »

You don't need a Ground Control or Ground Control Pro, but the GCX requires some sort of MIDI controller to turn loops on and off. If you have a sequencer capable of sending Control Change messages, that should work. I believe it uses channel 16 by default, and the controller numbers for each loop are in the GCX manual.

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