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Can I use the pedal switcher in reverse?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:52 am
by yhertogh

I'd like to use the insert between loop 1 and 2, so that i can use a Wah after my Fuzz Factory but before my other fuzz/OD boxes.

I could try opening up the pedal switcher and see if i can mod it to place the insert inbetween loop 1 and loop 2. But, since it is a true bypass-loops with no active electronics in the path, wouldnt wiring it in reverse not also do the trick ?
I am not using the buffered input by the way ( as it sucks the tone away from my Fuzz Factory).



Re: Can I use the pedal switcher in reverse?

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:42 am
by yhertogh
Replying back to my own post:

yup, it works. I plug my guitar into the OUTPUT of the pedal switcher, my amp into the non-buffered input, and connection to pedal IN's to the pedal switcher RETURNS, and the pedal's OUTs to the pedal switcher SENDS.

Result: my insert is inbetween the first and second loop :-)
