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Connecting Boss Volume Pedal to GCPro

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 12:46 pm
by DGritzmacher
Hi gang,

I have just successfully finished setting up my Ground Control Pro and am at the begginning of the learning curve so forgive me in advance for the simple question. I have a Boss FV 500H expression pedal hooked up to "pedal 1" on the GC Pro. Have "turned pedal 1" on in the GC Pro but am still unsuccessful at getting it to control system volume. The unit sees the pedal because in one of the set up areas I wiggled the pedal back and forth and did see the numbers change on the GC Pro.

I am certain I am missing something simple here. Advice anyone?


Re: Connecting Boss Volume Pedal to GCPro

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 11:22 am
by JohnClark
Enabling the Expression pedal in Setup Mode is the first thing, but it seems perhaps you are missing the next step where you assign which device the Expression Pedal controls and the exact function it should perform within each Ground Control Pro preset. You will also need to be sure that you have whatever MIDI device you are controlling programmed correctly so it knows what to do with the messages. On the Ground Control Pro side of things you will want to check out the Using Expression Pedals section under Edit Preset in the Ground Control Pro manual.