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Problems with my GCX and Ground Control
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 9:55 am
by Raoni Passeto
Hello! Finally finished my rig!
By connecting noticed some problems and would like a help to solve these problems.
1 - Every time I change a bank or hit one of the loops I hear a great noise.
2 - With everything connected is always a noise (seems to be energy).
3 - My Ground control with this firm ware 1.02. how do I upgrade?
I tried everything. GCX took the rack, disconnect loop by loop, switched cables, power ... I power him alone, and the problems continue ... Can someone help me?
My connections are: bass> guitar in> guitar out> loop1 ODB3> loop2 OC2> Loop3 SYB5> loop4 Aw3> loop5 CE5> loop6 DD3> loop7 MPX1> loop8 266> Epifani UL502> Epifani 410UL. Monitoring the lexicon MPX1 via midi and the feed thru goes to a TU2. Everything is connected in Furman PL8. I use Planet Waves cables and plugs Amphenol.
Thanks in advance!
Sorry my inglish is terrible!
Re: Problems with my GCX and Ground Control
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 10:04 am
by JohnClark
Try connecting the bass directly to the In of GCX Loop 1. If that makes the constant noise go away then you will want to isolate the GCX from the rack rails. Test as mentioned and let us know what happens.
Re: Problems with my GCX and Ground Control
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 6:22 am
by Raoni Passeto
I did what you asked and not for the noise ... (Seems noisy AC) If the source of the retreat DBX 266 noise decreases but not disappears. I removed each item and realized that if I connect everything you have into my Furman PL8 rack out of the noise decreases considerably.
Besides this problem I mentioned also has the problem of the pops when I switch a bank or I trigger a loop that also has not disappeared doing everything I mentioned and it is very loud! I'm waiting!
Thank you!
Re: Problems with my GCX and Ground Control
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 7:51 am
by Raoni Passeto
How to have a show tomorrow I read everything I had on the subject in the forum.
I just did a test as follows:
GCX-1 removed the chassis and disconnect all the loops leaving only the cables in and out = related proceeds with the popping noise when I change my bank or I trigger each loop.
2 - tested for loop = loop continues with the popping noise
3 - I took the input buffer = remains with the popping noise
Thank you!
Re: Problems with my GCX and Ground Control
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 8:34 am
by Raoni Passeto
Another thing I just realized is that if I did not connect the guitar in nothing, or rather, if there is nothing connected to the loop 1 is in an intense noise as if a cord with nothing on your end ...
Re: Problems with my GCX and Ground Control
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:24 am
by JohnClark
Lets just take this one step at a time. The popping is likely a symptom of another problem. First lets be clear about the noise when things are connected. We don't yet need to switch GCX Loops on and off for this test.
Did the noise change when connecting the bass directly to the In of GCX Loop 1?
What happens if you run the output of GCX Loop 1 directly to your amplifier?
Re: Problems with my GCX and Ground Control
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 10:11 am
by Raoni Passeto
When I turn the bass directly into a loop 1 the noise decreases, the popping between shifts is smaller.
If I call only loop 1 (bass> in loop1> send a return into effect> out loop1 to my amp) the noise is even lower.
Re: Problems with my GCX and Ground Control
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 10:19 am
by JohnClark
Raoni Passeto wrote:When I turn the bass directly into a loop 1 the noise decreases, the popping between shifts is smaller.
If I call only loop 1 (bass> in loop1> send a return into effect> out loop1 to my amp) the noise is even lower.
OK, this helps! Do you get the noise even with GCX Loop 1 turned off? Is there any difference if you disconnect the tuner from the Feedthru? What sits directly above the GCX in the rack? Can you move any power supplies away from the rack and other connections to eliminate any power supply noise coupling to the audio?
Re: Problems with my GCX and Ground Control
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:00 am
by Raoni Passeto
1-The noise of AC could solve the power suplies moving to other places.
2 - Above the GCX is the DBX
3 -Yeah. already changed the power suplies and solved!
The problem I have now is when i switched pedals or presets I hear a big popping noise, only when I do get it?
Thank you for listening!
Re: Problems with my GCX and Ground Control
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 12:09 pm
by JohnClark
Try with only a single pedal in a loop in front of the amp. The pop, if any, should be very minimal. Another trick is to route a buffer after all the GCX Loops, but before the input of the amplifier. You may also want to try running the DD-3 and the MPX-1 in the effects loop of the Epifani UL502.