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g major and mes triple

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 4:47 pm
by maddface
on one of the worksheets it has a g force connected only on the send and the desription said it only works with parallel loops. If I connect the g major this way to the triple will it elliminate the phasing issues?

Re: g major and mes triple

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 9:39 am
by JohnClark
The GCX example you are referring to only switches the input signal to the processor so when you turn that GCX Loop off, delays and reverbs will still trail out.

The phasing problem you are having is likely because you are not running the processor 100% wet. The Frequently Asked Questions section of the G-Major manual has a section about Parallel Loops that explains things quite well.

I hope that helps!