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New to Board and MIDI

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:36 am
by DirtyNoise
Hello! Well i made the big switch to MIDI in the past couple weeks. Changed my entire rig up. My new set up is now:
Monster 2500
Hunsh Pro C
VS-R Tuner
G-Major II
Engl e530
VHT 2/50/2
Ground Control Pro
KH - Wah

AND I'm clueless on how to set up my GCP and GM2! Plus switch my preamp channels.

Is there a tutorial on here somewhere? The manual's are not very clear as I'm new to alot of the lingo I suppose. I have a show in 2 weeks and really need to get a handdle on this! ha!

Re: New to Board and MIDI

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:17 am
by JohnClark
Here is a thread from another forum user that posted a video on getting started with a Ground Control pro and G-Major 2.

I hope that helps!

Re: New to Board and MIDI

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:56 am
by DirtyNoise
I've watched that a few times but I still don't understand. It seem some steps have been skipped on GM2 side? I'm going to give a try yet again tonight and see where I can get.
It would be nice to see somthing from a complete NOOB perspectice as this comb i pretty popular HA!!
Like here's where you begin when you first plug in you GM2 and GPC.

Re: New to Board and MIDI

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:52 pm
by JohnClark
Well when you first pull the Ground Control Pro and the G-Major 2 out of their boxes, they should already somewhat work together where Ground Control Pro preset buttons will recall G-Major 2 patches using MIDI channel 1. In the video, the G-Major 2 has first been assigned to listen to MIDI channel 2 and you see the Ground Control Pro being assigned to send Program Changes on MIDI Channel 2. I hope that helps. The channel number you use will not really matter as long as the number matches on both units.

Re: New to Board and MIDI

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:59 pm
by ljbarbeau
Well if ur question gets more specific I can try to answer... What's working and what's not working right now?

Re: New to Board and MIDI

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:19 am
by DirtyNoise
OK after getting a friend to come over who uses a Prophecy II in his setup. I realize how easy this whole thing is. Now just to get the channels setup and programmed with what efetcs and parameters etc.